Edit Game
5th Grade - Grammar

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I __________ (not lose) my wallet if I ____________ (be) more careful.
wouldn't have lost - were
The lion came ________ (close) that everyone was scared.
so close
This phone, _________ I had for my birthday, has stopped working!
José to Pedro: How do you feel? -- Jose _________ (ask) Pedro how he _________ (feel).
asked - felt
He _______ (say) he would be late because he _________ (be) stuck in a traffic jam.
said - was
Carlos wanted __________ cold drink but there were no drinks left in __________ fridge.
a - the
My dad wishes he __________ (not buy) this car because it goes wrong all the time.
hadn't bought
If my dad __________ (not drive) me to school, I __________ (be) late.
hadn't driven - would have been
If I weren't studying for my final exams, I __________ some of my time watching my series.
would spend
When my child gets bored he starts complaining ________ everything.
The new album _________ (buy) by the band's fans. (Passive)
will be bought
That song _________ (write) by Chris Martin.
was written
I _________ (not be) to the new club yet. But I hope I will go there.
haven't been
Suddenly, my mum realised she _________ (forget) to lock the door.
had forgotten
Tomorrow I can't come to school because I _________ (go) to the doctor.
am going
I'll have lunch when I _________ (finish) my homework.
have finished