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Ivy`s Journal

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Does Ivy feel positive or negative about moving to California?
Ivy has a mixed feelings. She finds a place where all people are treated fairly. However, she is a bit worried about if she will able to make friends & leaving
How does Ivy feel about Mrs. Greenfield?
She feels like he is disrespectful, and she finds him frightening. She tells the readers that he talks to her parents like they are children.
How does the author create different moods in the 13 July and 22 September enteries?
The mood in the 13 July entry is somber and sad. While the mood in 22 September entry has a hopeful mood.
What identities this text as historical fiction?
The author used fictional character to describe what life was like in a historic time and place
That’s how the world works here in Mississippi. We live with segregation. What is the meaning of the word segregation
system that’s set up to keep white people apart from black people.
Ivy's daddy did not respond angrily to Mr.Greenfield, why so?
Because he was afraid that he might hurt him if he talks back
Why eve and Ivy's can't go to the nearby school?
Because it is for white people only
The word sharecroppers means
farmers who pay for the land they rent with a percentage of the crop
Ivy's doesn't like to skip school because
Because if she misses too many classes, it is hard to keep up
Why Ivy's father told them not to expect any birthday presents this year?
Because his farm was not doing well, and the money was tight
How old was Ivy's sister Marry?
15 years old
How old was Ivy's brother Buck?
9 years old
The first wave of the great migration happened from