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Animal Habitats!

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name one animal that lives in the rainforest
jaguars, sloths, anacondas, toucans, parrots, poison dart frogs, and monkeys
Name one animal that lives in the grassland
cheetahs, zebras, giraffes, lions, hyenas, mongoose, and elephants.
Name one animal that lives in the arctic
reindeer, polar bears, arctic foxes, narwhal, muskoxen, beluga whales, and snowy owls
Name one animal that lives in the ocean
whales, dolphins, sea turtles, sea stars, sharks, walruses, and many kinds of fish
Name one animal that lives in the forest
deer, bears, moose, raccoons, squirrels, wolves, owls, and eagles
Name one animal that live in wetlands?
beavers, toads, frogs, fish, and crocodiles
Name one animal that lives in the desert.
camels, lizards, foxes, snakes, roadrunners, scorpions, and meerkats
What habitat do sloths live in?
What habitat do cheetahs live in?
What habitat do reindeer live in?
The arctic
What habitat do whales live in?
What habitat do bears live in?
What habitat do beavers live in?
What habitat do camels live in?
The desert
Which habitat is covered with tall grass but has few trees?
Which habitat is made up of land covered with shallow water?
Which habitat is made up of salt water?
The ocean
Which habitat has lots of trees and plants?
The forest
Which habitat is hot and dry?
The desert
Which habitat is the rainiest?
The rainforest
Which habitat is covered in snow and ice all year long?
The arctic