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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Мiй тато вмiє ремонтувати речi, але вiн не вмiє лiтати
My dad can fix things, but he can't fly
 Make a question and give a positive short answer.
Can the parrot  play the guitar and sing?
Make a positive sentence.
The monkey can paint.
Make a negative sentence.
The tiger can't write.
Make a question and give a negative short answer.
Can the panda play computer games? - No, it can't.
Can these dogs surf?
Yes, they can.
Can they play chess? What can they play?
No, they can't . They can play table tennis.
Make a positive sentence.
They can act.
Make a negative sentence.
She can't play the guitar and sing.
What can he do?
He can sing
Чи вмiє вiн їздити на конi? - Hi
Can he ride a horse? - No, he can't.
Вмiють його сестри грати в тенiс? - Так.
Can his sisters play tennis? - Yes, they can.
Чи вмiє твiй брат грати на пiанiно?  - Нi.
Can your brother play the piano? - No, he can't.
Твiй тато вмiє розмовляти французькою? - Нi.
Can your dad speak French? - No, he can't .
Чи ти та твої друзi вмiєте говорити англiйською? - Так.
Can you and your friends speak English? - Yes, we can.
Ти вмiєш кататися на скейтбордi? - Так.
Can you skateboard? - Yes, I can.
Моя сестра вмiє бiгати швидко, але вона на вмiє кататися на коньках.
My sister can dance, but she can't ice skate.
Джон вмiє малювати фарбами, але вiн не вмiє грати на гитарi.
John can paint, but he can't  play the guitar.
Ми вмiємо малювати олiвцями, але ми не вмiємо писати iсторiї
We can draw, but we can't  write stories.
Барбара вмiє грати ролi, але вона не вмiє лазити по деревам.
Barbara can act, but she can't  climb the trees.
Я вмiю плавати, але я не вмiю ниряти.
I can swim, but I can't dive.