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Call Number Galore
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The sticker on a books spine is called a ______?
call number
Walk and show us where nonfiction books are located
The wall where we line up
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Picture Book
Fiction Chapter Book
Graphic Novel
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Fiction Chapter Book
Picture Book
Graphic Novel
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Picture Book
Fiction Chapter Book
Graphic Novel
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Fiction Chapter Book
Picture Book
Graphic Novel
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Picture Book
Fiction Chapter Book
Graphic Novel
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Fiction Chapter Book
Picture Book
Graphic Novel
What type of book am I based on my call number?
Picture Book
Fiction Chapter Book
Graphic Novel
Walk and show us the scary section
Aisle between fiction/nonfiction
Walk and show us the realistic fiction section
By story corner
Walk and show us the humor section
Inside the U shape
What color dot would be on this Everybody book?
What color dot would be on this Everybody book?
What color dot would be on this Everybody book?
What color dot would be on this Everybody book?
Light Green