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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of work would you never do?
I would never....
What is the job of your dreams?
The job of my dreams is....
Tell me the question for this answer: Yes, I am going to work tonight.
Are you going to work tonight?
Tell me the question for this answer: No, I didn't work in a gas station last year.
Did you work in a gas station last year?
Have you ever worked in a factory?
No, I have never worked in a factory / Yes, I have worked in a factory.
Tell me the question for this answer: No, I would not work as a police officer.
Would you work as a police officer?
Where have you worked in the past?
I have worked at... / I've worked at...
How often do you work in your house?
I always work in my house / I never work in my house (...)
Where are you working now?
I am working at....
Do you have a job?
Yes, I have a job / No, I don't have a job.
Are you going to study tonight?
Yes, I am going to study tonight / No, I am not going to study tonight.
Will you study at the university next year?
Yes, I will study at the university next year / No, I will not study at the university next year.
Tell me the question for this answer: No, I have never studied French.
Have you ever studied French?
Would you like to study English in another country?
Yes, I would like to study English in another country / No, I would not like to study English in another country.
Did you study English last Monday?
Yes, I studied English last Monday / No, I didn't study English last Monday.
Tell me the question for this answer: I always study English.
How often do you study English?
Tell me the question for this answer: Yes, I like to study English.
Do you like to study English?