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Literary Devices Review 1

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In "The Lottery", Mr. Graves' name could be a symbol of _____________.
In "The Lottery", Mr. Graves' name could be a symbol of _______________.
In "The Lottery", Mr. Graves' name could be a symbol of _______________.
In "The Lottery", Mr. Graves' name could be a symbol of _____________.
In "The Lottery" the black box is a symbol of _____________________.
Using an object to represent a bigger idea or theme is called ___________________.
In "The Lottery" ______________________ is characterized as a round­faced, jovial man.
Mr. Summers
In "The Monkey's Paw" _________________ is characterized as a tall, burly man, beady of eye and rubicund of visage.
Sergeant - Major Morris
The author's means of conveying a character's personality, life history, values and physical attributes is called _________________________.
"The Lottery" is set in the ____________________ (season).
Setting is the ______________________ and ____________________ where a story happens.
time, place
It was a dark and stormy night... This is a description of ________________________.
The appearance of a single frame of Tyler Durden early in "Fight Club" hints at the later revelation that the protagonist and Tyler are the same person. This is ______________________.
Name the literary device where the author gives an advance hint of what is to come later in the story.
What's one way that Jacobs used foreshadowing in "The Monkey's Paw"?
By revealing the knowledge that a previous user had wished for death with his third wish
Why is "The Lottery" an example of REVERSE dramatic irony?
Because the characters know what's going to happen and the reader doesn't (until the end)
Identify the type of irony: There's a rat infestation at the Department of Sanitation.
Situational Irony
Identify the type of irony: The wife believed that her husband died in an airplane crash and but the audience was aware that the husband had survived.
Dramatic Irony
Identify the type of irony: Someone posts a video on Youtube about how boring and useless Youtube is.
Situational Irony
Sarcasm is a type of ___________________________.
Verbal Irony