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September Fun Facts

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this?
Pine cone
What is this???
What famous murder mystery author was born on September 15, 1890?
Agatha Christie
Starbucks is offering BOGO on Thursdays in September. What is their famous fall drink?
Pumpkin Spice Latte
What country did Germany invade on September 1, 1939?
September is National _ _ _ _ Month. Grab your mat and do some stretching!
This actor was born in September. He known for his role in "Men in Black" AND for slapping Chris Rock at the Oscars.  WHat is his name?
Will Smith
The Anglo Saxons called September "Haefest Monath."  Monath means month. What does "haefest" mean?
The lead singer of Queen was born on September 5, 1946? What is his name?
Freddie Mercury
What are September's TWO zodiac signs?
Virgo and Libra
What is September's birthstone?
True or False? September 1st almost always begins the same day of the week as December 1st. 
True, except for the years that February has 29 days.
True or False? September was the 7th month of the year until 451 BC. The word "septem" means 7th month.
How many days are in the month of September?
What is another name for "Fall?" (Hint 6 letters)
What is the official first day of fall this year?
September 22nd