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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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[Under the weather]Maria did not go to the party because she was under the weather.
Feeling sick
[It's in the bag] We knew that Mary's team had it in the bag to win the game.
it's a certainty
[In the same boat]None of us had enough money to go to the movie, so we were all in the same boat.
Be in the same situation
[In hot water]Kyrie Irving is in hot water for not getting vaccinated.
Be in trouble
[Have second thoughts] Example: Julian had second thoughts about diving off the cliff.
Have doubts
[Have mixed feelings or have mixed emotions] The parents had mixed feelings when their daughter left for college.
Be unsure of how you feel
[Give it a shot]Example: Lucy was afraid to rollerskate, but I told her to give it a shot.
Try to do something
[Get your act together] I need you to get your act together or I will have to ask you to leave.
Behave properly
[Get a kick out of it] Example: She got a kick out of going to the water park.
Really enjoy or like something
[Fill in the blanks] You are going to have to fill in the blanks if you want me at the surprise party.
Provide more information
[Down to the wire] Example: With the deadline coming up and her project not finished, Genesis new it would be down to the wire to get it done.
At the last minute
[Draw a blank] Jose drew a blank when it was his line in the play.
Can not remember
[Crack a book] Example: You might want to crack a book if you want to get a good grade on the test.
Open a book and study
[Cool as a cucumber] Mary remained cool as a cucumber during her singing performance.
To be very calm under stress
[Call it a day] We worked hard today, let's call it a day.
Time to quit
[As easy as ABC] Example: I thought the assignment was as easy as ABC.
Something is very easy
[A rip-off] Example: The new video game was a rip-off.
Too expensive