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Padv 1 - Intensifiers and opinions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you think of going to the beach?
It's (intensifier) (adjective).
What do you think of the Barbie movie?
It's (intensifier) (adjective).
Studying Foreing languages can be Q___ U___ if you want to travel.
quite useful
P.E. classes are W____ T____ tiring. I want to rest a little...
way too
If you like literature, you'll find this book P____ I____.
pretty interesting
What do you think of your English Course?
It's (intensifier) (adjective).
What is your opinion about school?
It's (intensifier) (adjective).
What do you think of working out?
It's (intensifier) (adjective).
What is your opinion about online games?
It's (intensifier) (adjective).
My first semester in the new school was f____ c____. I had to cram a lot for the exams, and almost flunked out.
fairly challenging
My teacher assigned 10 pages of homework yesterday. Portuguese is v____ d____.
very demanding
I enjoy learning new things, so I think physics is R___ F____. You open your mind to different phenomena studying it.
really fascinating
I just don't understand math! I mean, it is R_____ U_____ if you don't use it in real life.
rather useless
I love arts, but the teacher is K______ of B________. I always sleep in class...
kind of boring