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Colonial Georgia

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What European country had control of the land south of Georgia?
Why did James Oglethorpe wanted the Highland Scots to move to Georgia?
they were experienced and skilled soldiers
What effect did Hernando de Soto's expedition in Georgia have on American Indians there?
it brought illnesses that caused American Indian population loss
In which period could colonists own land and own slaves?
Royal Colony
Why did the Malcontents want to legalize slavery?
because it would help the economy thrive like in other colonies.
The growth of plantations in Georgia is directly related to the legalization of
Why did King George II agree to grant Oglethorpe and the trustees a charter to found Georgia?
He believed it would help England economically and provide military protection for other colonies.
What was the purpose of the Spanish missions?
Convert Native Americans to Christianity
He was the first Spanish explorer to enter Georgia.
Hernando DeSoto
The colonists had a larger role in government during which period?
Royal Colony Period
Who helped to make fair trades and negotiations between James Oglethorpe & the American Indians?
Mary Musgrove
When was the ban on slavery lifted?
When Georgia became a Royal Colony
Originally, Georgia was supposed to be a place for who?
British Debtors
How did the Trustees hope that the colonists of Georgia would make money for Great Britain? 
What did people receive if they came to help establish the Georgia colony?
Land, Food, Farm Supplies
Document that created the Colony of Georgia?
Charter of 1732
What were the 3 main reasons for establishing the Colony of Georgia?
Philanthropy, Economics, and Defense
Who is considered the Founder of the Georgia Colony and the only trustee to come to Georgia?
James Oglethorpe
What is the name of the first city established in Georgia?
Who allowed Oglethorpe and his group of settlers to live and establish the Georgia Colony on his land?
Who interpreted (communicated) for Tomochichi and James Oglethorpe?
Mary Musgrove
What is W.R.I.S.T.?
Wine, Rice, Indigo, Silk, Tobacco are all crops that settlers tried to grow in Georgia
Georgia served as a Buffer Colony and was meant to protect the other colonies from what threat in Florida?
The Spanish
TRUE OR FALSE: Slavery, Alcohol, and Catholics were all banned by the Trustees
What group did not agree with the Trustees and their rules and regulations.
The Malcontents
When the Trustee Period ended Georgia became what type of Colony?
A Royal Colony