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Changing Cities L1-5

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The term to describe towns and cities growing and joining to form one large area.
Name a suburb that people moved to during the counter urbanisation phase.
What process took place in Birmingham in the 1920s & 1930s
What dates did urbanisation take place in Birmingham?
Name a mega city.
Mexico City
Why does urbanisation happen at different rates globally
Different rates of development/Industrialise at different times.
An advantage of using RICEPOTS systematically.
If you have a large cross section it saves time as you could do every e.g. 200m
What is the population of Birmingham to 1 dp.
Name 3 past British colonies that had migrants go to Birmingham for work
Caribbean, India, Pakistan & Bangladesh
An area in Birmingham with cheaper terraced houses.
Sparkhill, Sparkbrook and Aston
An area in Birmingham with expensive houses.
Four Oaks
What does EQS stand for?
Environmental Quality Survey
What industry was Birminham famous for?
Metal- Brass, buttins.
Which region in the UK is Birmingham?
West Midlands
A term to describe the direction that a settlement is facing.
What term does this diagram represent?
What term does this diagram represent?
What term does this diagram represent?
What term does this diagram represent?
What is this model called?
Hoyt Model
What is this model called?
Burgess Model