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Georgia Regions

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Section G is the ________ region
Section F is the _________Region
Section E is the _________ Region
Coastal Plains
Section D is the ___________ Region
Section C is the ________ Region
Blue Ridge Mountains
Section B is the ___________ Region
Valley and ridge
Section A is the ___________ Region.
Appalachian Plateau
Near the ocean, saltwater mixes with fresh water. This is called a/an _________________.
What animals are found in the Coastal Plains Region?
wild hogs, rabbits, snakes, muskrats, and gopher turtles
What types of animals will you find in the Piedmont region?
deer, squirrels, river otter and opossums
The Piedmont Region is the ___________ region in Georgia. This means it has the most people living in this area.
most populated
A _________ is the place where a plant or animal lives.
The Piedmont is known for its _______ colored clay.
What trees are commonly found growing in the Coastal Plains region?
live oak, pine trees and Spanish moss
What types of animals can be found in the Coastal Plains Region at Okefenokee Swamp?
sandhill crane, herons, water moccasin snake, American alligator, and green tree frog
A _____________ is a wetland that is mostly covered in grasses and other soft stem plants.
Which Georgia region has sandy soil that makes it ideal for farming?
Coastal Plains
A ____________ is an area of high, flat land.
What mountain range stretches across Georgia's Blue Ridge Mountains, Valley and Ridge, and Appalachian Plateau?
Appalachian Mountains
Georgia's mountains are located in which Georgia regions?
Blue Ridge Mountains, Ridge and Valley and Appalachian Plateau