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Plant Tissues, Organs, Organ Systems

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What helps the top surface of the plant fight too much exposure from sunlight?
cuticle (leaf wax)
What regulates the opening and closing of stoma?
guard cells
Why are most of stomata located under the leaf blade?
To avoid exposure from the sunlight thereby lessening drought.
Plant's leaf needs to release Oxygen and take in Carbon dioxide in order to perform photosynthesis, how do plants do this?
With the help of Stomata (singular: stoma)
What are the spaces in spongy mesophyll for?
For the storage of water and gas (CO2)
Plant's leaf has two main mesophyll tissues, which of these two perfom more photosynthesis than the other one? why?
Palisade mesophyll
Plant's leaf needs water to perform photosynthesis, which vascular tissue transport water from soil to plant leaf?
What plant tissue composes the leaf's epidermis?
Epidermal Tissue
Which external organ of the plant does photosynthesis mostly occur?
It is an external plant organ that provides support for the plants and serves as the passage way of nutrients to travel to and from the different parts of the plants.
What structure helps the roots to absorb minerals and water from the soil?
root hair
Which external organ of the plant is responsible for anchoring plants and obtaining water and minerals from the soil?
Among the external organs of the plants, which structure carries the plant's offspring?