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IGCSE ESL Reading and Writing paper

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In Exercise 6, students always have to write a report.
False. Apart from a report, you may also be asked to write an article or a review. Occasionally, you may also have to write an essay.
In Exercise 6, students have to write their answers in a more formal tone than in Exercise 5.
In Exercise 5, students are sometimes asked to write a formal email (e.g. a complaint).
False. The email is always informal. The target audience is your friend.
In Exercises 5 and 6, you can write as many words as you want as long as you answer the question.
False. The word limit is between 120 and 160 words. If your answer is too short, you may lose marks as your answer is likely to be incomplete.
In Exercises 5 and 6, students receive more marks for the language they use in their writing than for the content.
True. You will receive 6 marks for content and 9 marks for language.
In Exercise 4, you can tick more than one box for each answer.
False. Always tick one box only for each question. By ticking more than one box, you will lose marks for that particular question.
In Exercise 3, you should paraphrase the answers that you find in the text.
False. You should just lift the answer as it is written in the text. By paraphrasing the idea, you may change the meaning the potentially lose marks.
In Exercise 3, you only need to find one detail in the text to go under each heading.
False. It is always at least 2 details per heading, the number of lines (and marks) will tell you how many details you are expected to provide.
In Exercise 2, you have to match all the statements to the texts. There are no spare statement.
In Exercise 1, when you find the answer in the text, you should copy it as it is in the text. You do not need to change the answer in any way.
In exercise 1, some questions may need more than one detail as you answer.
You have to answer all the questions in the reading part, but you can choose which writing question-Exercise 5 or Exercise 6-you want to answer.
False. You have to answer both.
If you do not understand a word in the reading part, you can use a dictionary to find the meaning.
You will receive more marks for your answers int he writing part than int he reading part.
False. 30 marks for each part.
You are given 2.5 hours to complete the whole Reading and Writing exam.
False. 2 hours.
Your writing skills will be tested in 2 parts of the exam only.
There are 8 parts in the Reading and Writing exam. T/F
False.There are 6 parts.