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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What did Robert use to land on the Titanic?
A submarine
People thought that the Titanic was a safe ship. What name did they give it?
The unsinkable ship
what did people say <they were sure was on the ship>
gold, diamonds, and pearls - treasure pg. 40
what was the name of the robot that was sent to video pictures.
Argo pg. 41
What was the name of the scientist who found the Titanic?
Robert Ballard pg. 40
How are airplanes used to help ships?
They keep track of dangerous icebergs. pg 38
Which ocean did the Titanic cross?
Atlantic ocean
Why did people burn paper and handkerchiefs?
To make sure the ship sees them pg.34
How far away was the Californian from the Titanic?
10 miles away pg.22
What was the name of the ship that rescued the passengers?
Carpathia pg.34
true or false: One end of the Titanic stays pointed at the stars?
True pg.28
Why didn't the Californian hear the Titanic's call for help?
the radio was turned off pg. 23
The Titanic only had enough life boats for how many people?
1,100 pg.18
How many people survived the Titanic?
705 pg. 37
How many people where on the Titanic?
2,227 pg. 18 ("more than 2,200 people" pg 37)
How many of the watertight compartments were flooded?
five pg. 17
Why was it hard for them to see the gigantic iceberg?
It was almost midnight. it was nighttime. pg. 15
True or false: The titanic crashed into a ship?
where was the titanic going? (which country?)
United states of America pg. 6
Where did the ship leave from. (which country)
England pg. 6
How long was the titanic? How many city blocks?
four city blocks pg. 8
What did newspapers call this new ship?
The wonder ship pg.6