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Arab Countries

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the capital of Lebanon?
What is the capital of Palestine?
Ramallah or Jerusalem
What letter is Algeria?
Which letter is Jordan? ما هو الحرف الأردني؟
Which is Oman? A or B?
ما هي عمان؟ ا او ب؟
What is Yemens capital? ما هي عاصمة اليمن؟
What is the capital of Iraq? ما هي عاصمة العراق؟
What borders Moritania? ما هي حدود موريتانيا؟
Algeria and Morocco
What does Tunisia border? ما حدود تونس؟
Libya and Algeria
What is the capital of Kuwait? ما هي عاصمة الكويت؟
Kuwait City
Which Arab country has a flag of a blue background and a white star? ما هي الدولة العربية التي علمها خلفية زرقاء ونجمة بيضاء؟
What Arab country has a flag of a red background and a green star on top?ما هي الدولة العربية التي علمها ذو خلفية حمراء ونجمة خضراء في الأعلى؟
What is the capital of Sudan? ما هي عاصمة السودان؟
What country borders Egypt? ما هي الدولة التي تحد مصر؟
What is the capital of Saudi Arabia? ما هي عاصمة المملكة العربية السعودية؟