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Nominative Functions

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Write a sentence using a noun that functions as appositive on the board
Write a sentence using a noun that functions as direct address on the board
Write a sentence using a noun that functions as predicate nominative on the board
Write a sentence using a noun that functions as subject on the board
Enumerate the four nominative functions of nouns.
Subject, Predicate Nominative/Subject Compliment/Direct Address/Appositive
Which functions as Predicate Nominative in the sentence? Lisa is my favourite dancer among the Blackpin members.
Which functions as Appositive in the sentence? My team, Cutie Patotie, will win this game.
Cutie Patotie
Which functions as Subject and Predicate Nominative in the sentence? A Man Called Otto is a must watch movie.
A Man Called Otto - subject, movie - Predicate Nominative
Which functions as Direct Address in the sentence? Louise, can you lead the opening prayer?
Which functions as predicate nominative in the sentence? Taylor Swift is my favorite singer.
Which functions as appositive in the sentence? The song, Invisible, is one of my favorite songs.
Which functions as subject in the sentence? Peace Month is celebrated every month of September in the Philippines.
Peace Month