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Fraction and Indices
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you understood topics
a0 3^2 b) 5^4 c) 7^6
What is mean BIDMAS
Brackets Indices Divistion Multiplication Addition Substraction
how much if (1/2)^0
a) 4^12 b) 1
a) b, b) 4p^4, c)5m^8
Work out 56^1 - 56^0
Write 4^(-1) as a fraction.
Write four rules about indices
What is an Mixed Fraction?
A mixed fraction is a form of the fraction that has both a whole number and a fractional part.
What is an Proper Fraction?
A fraction in which numerator is greator than or equal to denominator is called proper fraction
a=4 and 2/15, b=4 and 7/10
4 and 1/3
What is an Improper Fraction?
An improper fraction is a fraction whose numerator (the number lying above) is greater than or equal to the denominator (the number lying below).