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7 Life processes and animal world

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I shiver when cold and feel scared in the dark.
to sense or react
to have young / baby
to move around
Is a kitten living or never lived or once living.
It is living.
It never lived.
It is once living.
Is a butterfly living or never lived or once living.
It is a living thing.
It never lived .
It is once living.
Is your bottle of water living or never lived or once living.
It never lived.
It is once living.
It is a living thing.
Is your paper living or never lived or once living.
It is once thing.
It never lived.
It is a living thing.
Is a bone living or never lived or once living?
It is once living.
It never lived.
It is a living thing.
When you go to the toilet to pee.
get rid of waste
to move around
to sense or react
Your plant get bigger and taller.
You use oxygen to make energy.
You pet dog is running, walking, jumping and spinning around.
Eating food and drinking water.
Plants make seeds or animals have babies.
to reproduce
to grow
to move