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Big Pirate Adventure
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What is a mnemonic device to remember the 4 cardinal directions?
Never, Eat, Soggy, Waffles
What direction are compasses attracted to?
Name all the intermediate directions
Northeast, Southeast, Southwest, Northwest
What type of directions are North, East, West, and South called?
Cardinal Directions
What direction is missing on this compass?
What is the special line of longitude at 0°? Hint Prime M__________?
Prime Merdian
What is the special latiude line at 0°?
What are the coordinates of the lighthouse?
(45°S, 30°W)
Are addresses and coordinates absoulte or relative location?
Absoulte location
What direction would you go if you start at the lighthouse and end at the dragon? Hint its an intermediate direction!
What direction would you go if you start at the volcanoe and go to the pirate ship?
What direction will you go if you start at the dolphin and end at the lightpole?
What are the coordinates of the mermaid?
(45°N, 150°W)
What are the coordinates of the dragon?
(30°S, 120°W)
How would you read this? (4°N,70°E) and what is it called?
4 Degrees North, 70 Degrees Easy, Coordinates
What is the vocabulary word that describes a map that has lines going up and down and numbers or letters on the sides?
Map Grid
What kind of lines go up and down on maps?
What kind of lines go across on maps?
Name the continent
Name the continent
south america
Name the continent
north america
Name the continent
Name the continent
Name the continent
What is it?
jolly roger