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What Are the Opposites?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are the opposites?
What are the opposites?
thin / thick
What are the opposites?
strong / weak
What are the opposites?
sit / stand
What are the opposites?
rich / poor
What are the opposites?
loud / quiet
What are the opposites?
light / dark
What are the opposites?
in / out
What are the opposites?
like / hate
What are the opposites?
front / back
What are the opposites?
difficult / easy
What are the opposites?
push / pull
What are the opposites?
clean / dirty
What are the opposites?
young / old
What are the opposites?
dry / wet
What are the opposites?
up / down
What are the opposites?
sweet / sour
What are the opposites?
hard / soft
What are the opposites?
short / tall
What are the opposites?
sad / happy
What are the opposites?
open / closed
What are the opposites?
new / old
What are the opposites?
short / long
What are the opposites?
left / right
What are the opposites?
hot / cold
What are the opposites?
high / low
What are the opposites?
light / heavy
What are the opposites?
happy / sad
What are the opposites?
empty / full
What are the opposites?
slow / fast
What are the opposites?
night / day
What are the opposites?
boy / girl
What are the opposites?
black / white
What are the opposites?
big / small