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Unit 1 P6 Social Studies Review
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which ancient civilisation was ruled by elected officials and started democracy as a system of government?
Ancient Greece
Which ancient civilisation was ruled by emperors and created the Republic as a system of government?
Ancient Rome
Which ancient civilisation was ruled by emperors and created the Republic as a system of government?
Ancient Rome
Which ancient civilisation used Latin language, built toilets, public baths, aqueducts and the Colloseum?
Ancient Rome
Which ancient civilisation built theatres and started the olympics?
Ancient Greece
Which ancient civilisation is famous for having pharaos as their rulers and used the hieroglyphics system of writing?
Ancient Egypt
Which ancient civilisation invented the system of writing from which our current alphabet emerged by having vowels and consonants?
Ancient Greece
Which ancient civilisation reigned over and conquered most of Asia, Africa and Europe for almost a thousand years?
Ancient Rome
Which ancient civilisation started Democracy as a system of government?
Ancient Greece
Which ancient civilisation invented the first form of writing called the Cuneiform system of writing?
Ancient Sumer
Which ancient civilisation invented the earliest method of telling time?
Ancient Egypt
Which was the first ancient civilisation recorded in history who built cities with high walls?
Ancient Sumer
What is the invention of Sumerians of digging canals to bring water from rivers to fields?
What do we call the Sumerian stepped temples that honour their gods and goddesses?
What is the other name given to ancient Sumer which literally means “ between 2 rivers”?
What is ancient Egypt’s form of writing ?
What is the ancient Summer’s form of writing ?