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Fire Service Communications

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does MDT stand for?
Mobile Data Terminal
Anything that prevents the receiver from fully understanding the message is called
The reaction of the receiver to the message is called
The feedback
The individual whom the sender is attempting to communicate to is called
The receiver
The person who starts the message is called?
The sender
What is the distance you should speak into a radio?
1-2 inches
What are the ABC's of communication?
Accurate, Brief and Concise
Using plain English rather than agency codes such as 10 codes is called
Clear Text
The CAD provides the dispatcher with what information?
Location • Caller Name • Phone # • Directions
What are examples of radio limitations?
Distance, physical barriers, dead zones, interference, ambient noise
What does FCC stand for?
Federal Communications Commission
What are the 6 W's and H questions that should be asked when taking a call?
Who, what , when, where, why ,weapons and how
What does CAD stand for?
Computer aid dispatch
What does TTY stand for?
What does TDD stand for?
telecommunications device for the deaf
What does PSAP stand for?
Public Safety Answering Point
How should you end a call?
with courtesy
What should avoid doing when answering a non emergency or emergency call?
Avoid dead air or an open line
How are you to answer a non emergency call
prompt & pleasant by identify the department