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Passive Aggression

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make it passive! Susan wants people to take her more seriously as a teacher.
Susan wants to be taken more seriously as a teacher.
Dress codes are so unfair! I think employees ______ the opportunity to express themselves through the way they dress.
should be given
should have been given
have been given
are given
I'm not keen _________ by people I don't know.
on being called
being called
to be called
for having been called
Dogs _____ as Man's Best Friend for centuries because of their loyalty and companionship.
have been referred to
have been referred
were being referred to
are being referred
In the world of employment, people ________ what to wear and what not to wear.
are regularly told
have regularly been told
might be regularly told
regularly are being told
Millions of selfies ______daily around the world, and they ____ a sign of modern-day narcissism.
are taken/ are considered to be
are being taken/ are considered to have been
will be taken/ were considered being
have been taken/ are considered to be being
After a few minutes, we noticed that _____________ by a strange man.
we were being watched
we had been watched
we had been being watched
we have been watching
When I arrived home, I realised that I ____________ the wrong tickets.
had been given
was given
should have been given
would have been given
When I checked into the hotel, my room _____________.
was still being cleaned
had still been cleaned
will still be being cleaned
was still cleaned
It's unbelievable! George's car ________ again. That's the third time this year!
has been stolen
could have been stolen
will have been stolen
must be being stolen
ago/ paid/ client/ been/ Our/ should/ days/ two/ had/ have (There is one extra word!)
Our client should have been paid two days ago.
It ___ (say) that your mood ____ (can/ influence) by your diet, especially if you limit yourself to low-calorie food.
is said/ can be influenced
was said/ could have been influenced
is being said/ could be being influenced
has been said/ can't have been influenced
By the end of today, the President's Instagram post ________ (see) by over 20 million people worldwide.
will have been seen
would be seen
has been seen
will be seen
Make it passive! Students must show their identity card when entering the building.
Identity cards must be shown when entering the building (OR The building must not be entered without showing an identity card)
Make it passive! They should have invited Tom to the party.
Tom should have been invited to the party.
Make it passive! They'll probably finish the project today.
The project will probably be finished today.
Make it passive! Everyone agreed that the meeting should be cancelled.
It was agreed (by everyone/ It was unanimously agreed) that the meeting should be cancelled.
Make it passive! You need to send the form by next week.
The form needs to be sent by next week.
Make it passive! No-one expected her to win the election.
She wasn't expected to win the election.