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Revie Unit 1 B1
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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We should show more respect and ............ to people in their .............. years
We should show more respect and esteem to people in their twilight years
It`s quite common for ............... citizens to ................ but continue working.
It`s quite common for senior citizens to retire but continue working.
They ............ a child from an orphanage. I am sure they will be great parents.
They adopted a child from an orphanage. I am sure they will be great parents.
This old ................ has spent all their life together. They`re so sweet!
This old couple has spent all their life together. They`re so sweet!
-What`s going on there? She`s screaming at him? -Yeah, he .................. because he flirted with someone
-What`s going on there? She`s screaming at him? -Yeah, he dragged her into the frenzy because he flirted with someone
Who are your father`s siblings to you?
aunts or uncles
An old woman who has never been married
It`s absolutely beautiful here! We can see ..... mountains from our balcony
It`s absolutely beautiful here! We can see the mountains from our balcony
Can`t tell if you grandma is deaf or she .............. (ignore) me
Can`t tell if you grandma is deaf or she is ignoring me
Why ...... you .........? My grandma can hear you
Why are you shouting? My grandma can hear you
These are my siblings. They ………………on the sofa .............. TV .
These are my siblings. They are sitting on the sofa watching TV .