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Plant Structures

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A green substance found in leaves and some stems that captures the energy in sunlight.
What are ways a plant responds to stimuli? (Name 5) (Remember our Simon Says Game)
Light, Gravity, Touch, Insects, Longer Shorter Days
What word do we use to describe: Anything that makes an organism or a part of an organism react in some way
Stimulus / Stimuli
What type of protection does a plant have against animals?
Spines, thorns, and prickles
The plant releases this into the air as a waste product of photosynthesis?
A plant takes in water and nutrients through its ____________.
Root hairs
What 2 colors did the celery stem and leaves change to?
Red and Blue
In what part of the plant does most photosynthesis take place?
From watching one of the videos, how do we know a plant releases oxygen?
When the plant in under the water, the leaves release oxygen bubbles.
What do you need for photosynthesis? (5 things)
Water, Sunlight, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide, Sugar
Does a plant have a vascular system? How do you know?
Yes! The celery project Veins run throughout the plant taking the water and nutrients out to the leaves/flowers/stems
What does the roots gather? (2 answers)
water and nutrients
The plant's roots help ___________ it in the soil.
What supports the plant from not falling over?
What 4 things does a plant need to survive?
Sunlight, Water, Air, Nutrients
What does a plant need to have in order to make its own food? (need 3 answers)
Water, Light, Carbon Dioxide Gas