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What food do/ don't you like?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Her friends (like) ________ __________.
Her friends like sausages
His uncle (like) _________ _____________
His uncle likes noodles
My brother and sister (like) ________ ___________.
My brother and sister like pizza
Tim (like) ________ __________
Tim likes cupcake
Does Jack like _________?
What food do Alex and Sam like to eat?
They like to eat spaghetti
Do you like __________?
Leo's favorite food is _________
What food doesn't it like to eat?
It doesn't like to eat vegetables
What food doesn't he like to eat?
He doesn't like to eat French fries
What food doesn't she like to eat?
She doesn't like to eat salad
What food don't we like to eat?
We don't like to eat cheeseburgers
What food don't they like to eat?
They don't like to eat chicken
What food don't you like to eat?
I don't like to eat onion rings
What food does it like to eat?
It likes to eat meat and bones
What food does he like to eat?
He likes to eat burritos
What food does she like to eat?
She likes to eat muffins
What food do we like to eat?
We like to eat hotdogs
What food do they like to eat?
They like to eat sandwiches
What food do you like to eat?
I like to eat hamburgers