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James and the Giant Peach review so far (up to c ...

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Do you know how many creatures James will meet?
Five creatures.... do you know their names?
Where was James while all the crowds of people were paying to see the peach?
He was locked in his bedroom.
How did aunt Sponge and aunt Spiker try to hide the peach from the world?
They built a fence around it/ they charged people money to see it.
What did the old man say to James: "be it b _ _, insect, a _ _ _ _ _ or t_ _ _ , that will be the one who gets the full power of the magic!"
"be it bug, insect, animal or tree, that will be the one who gets the full power of the magic!"
How did James lose the magic beans?
He slipped and fell in the garden trying to avoid aunt Sponge and aunt Spiker.