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6th and 7th grade science

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which one is a substance: Seawater or table salt?
Table salt
The particles of what type of solid are arranged in a regular pattern?
A crystalline solid
what is thermodynamics?
How temperature is transferred from one thing to another.
What is the law of conservation of matter/energy?
It says matter/energy can niether be created or destroyed, only changed.
What is thermal energy?
The energy contained within a system that is responsible for its temperature
What is temperature?
The meassure of how hot or cold something is
What are the characteristics of a gas?
Doesn't have a defnite shape or volume. Tries to fill any container it's in. Least dense.
what has higher viscosity: orange juice or honey?
What is viscosity?
A resistance to flowing
What is surface tension?
An inward force or pull between molecules in a liquid.
What are the characteristics of a liquid?
It has a definite volume but not a definite shape. It is relatively dense but less dense than a solid
Describe the movement of the particles of a solid.
They cannot move freely past each other, only vibrate in place.
Which type of solid has a definite melting temperature?
A crystalline solid
What are the characteristics of a solid?
It has a definite shape and volume. It has a high density.
What are the two types of solids?
Crystalline and amorphous
What causes a hot air balloon to rise?
The temperature and density difference in the air inside the balloon and outside the balloon
What instrument is used to measure mass?
A triple beam
How is mass different from weight?
Mass remains constant while weight depends on location
What is weight?
The measure of the force of gravity on an object
What happens to the density of most things when they heat up?
The density gets lower
What is the chemical name of CO2
Carbon dioxide
What is the chemical formula for dihydrogen monoxide?
What is density?
How tightly packed a mass is
What is a homogenous mixture?
A mixture where you cannot see the different parts
What is a heterogeneous mixture?
A mixture where you can see the different parts
Mass divided by volume = ????
What are the two types of mixtures?
Homogenous and heterogeneous
How do you measure volume?
By either: measuring the dimensions of an object and multiplying them OR submerging an object in a known amount of water and measuring the difference.
What are atoms made of?
subatomic particles
What is a compound?
2 or more atoms of at least 2 different elements bonded together (Micro)
What is a molecule?
2 or more atoms bonded together
Express this number in scientific notation: 10,000,000
How is a molecule different from a compound?
A molecule is may only be made of one element, whereas a compound will always have at least 2 elements.
Water and CO2 in leaves is converted to oxygen and sugar: What kind of property does this describe?
A chemical property because the water and CO2 are CHANGING into sugar and oxygen. They become something different from what they originally were.
What is a chemical property?
charateristics that describe something's ability to become something else
what is a physical property?
A property that can be observed without changing the matter into another type of matter.
What is a substance?
A single kind of matter that always has a specific makeup (Macro)
What is matter?
Anything that has mass and takes up space (macro)