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Junior Secondary 4 (The Visitor)

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What gift did Carlos's friends bring to him?
Liliana and Carmen made him cookies, Samir and Bic bought him a new CD, Pablo brought the guitar to play the new song he wrote.
Was Carlos awake when his friends came to the door?
Yes, he was.
Did Carlos do his homework at home?
No, he didn't.
What did Carlos do at home?
He watched T.V, rested, and slept.
Why is Carlos at home?
He broke his wrist and sprained his ankle.
Why do Carlos's friends bring him things?
His friends want to make him feel better.
Why does Carlos tell his friends that he is on a lot of pain?
Again, he probably wants his friends to feel sorry for him.
Why does Carlos use a weak voice when he talks to his friends?
He probably wants his friends to feel sorry for him.
Why is Carlos feeling 'blue'?
He's bored and missed his friends.