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gerund after possessive

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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eh sovel ot kalt touba gnitnuh
He loves to talk about hunting
did ruoy rehtom eerga ot rou gnivah a revopeels thginot?
Did your mother agree to our having a sleepover tonight?
I ylpeed ateicerppa ruoy gnikrow ylsselerit it etelpmoc siht troper
I deeply appreciate your working tirelessly to complete this report.
reh gnirepsihw deniur eht eivom rof oneyreve
Her whispering ruined the movie for everyone.
yM gnittisybab ym regnuor sgnilbis deraperp em ot eb a pmac rolesnouc
My babysitting my younger siblings prepared me to be a camp counselor.
eilataN detcejbo ot ym gniworrob reh yekcoh kcits
Natalie objected to my borrowing her hockey stick.
ew detarbelec s'droG gninniw eht tsetnoc
We celebrated Gord’s winning the contest.
ruoy gnivael ylrae saw a esiw noisiced
Your leaving early was a wise decision
s'yraM si gniklat no reh llec enohp elihw s'ehs gnivird yllaer steg no ym sevren
Mary's talking on her cell phone while she's driving really gets on my nerves
/turn the letters/ yM s'atemmoor gniyalp doul cisum elihw m'I gnipeels skcit em ffo.
My roommate's playing loud music I'm speeling ticks me off
/turn the letters/ sih gniklat kcab ot sih stnerap si so luftcepsersid
His talking back to his parents is so desrespecful.
/turn the words/ reh gnikaeps revo em elihw m'I gniklat si yrev ateradisnconi
Her speaking over me while I'm talking is very inconsiderate.
his _____(tell) everyone what to do all the time really bugs me.