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Facts about Modern and Natural Wonders of the Wo ...

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Where is Chichen Ityza Pyramid?
Where is the Gunung Mulu National park?
Borneo in Malaysia
What is the name of the structure built in the caves in Jordan?
What is the name of the statue on the mountain in Brazil? ________ the Redeema
Christ the Redeema
What famous village was built on the mountain in Peru?
Machu Picchu
What sport was the Coliseum famous for when it was built?
Gladiator fighting
Which city and country was the Coliseum built?
Rome in Italy
What is the name of the Tomb in India?
Taj Mahal
Where is Brazil?
In South America
What country has the biggest rain forest in the World?
Brazil, South America
What is the oldest man made wonder, in Egypt?
The Great Pyramid of Giza
Where is Antarctica?
In the South Pole
Antarctica is a big continent in the south pole. How many square meters is it?
14'200'000 - Fourteen million, two hundred, thousand Square Meters
How high is the highest Mountain in the World
8'848 meters - Eight Thousand, eight hundred and forty eight meters
A Mountain in Asia
Mount Fuji, Mount Rinjani, Mount Everest
Where is the Victoria falls? Full Answer
Between Canada and the states (USA)
Which waterfall has the longest drop in the world?
Victoria Falls
What does U.S.A stand for?
United States of America
It is red like the Desert, but it is in the United States of America
The Grand Canyon
The longest Man made wonder, you can see from Space
The Great wall of China
Largest river in the world by volume
Amazon River