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Critical Thinking 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are three reasons people wear glasses?
What are three reasons people wear hats?
Name one harmful bug, how is it harmful?
Name one helpful bug - how is it helpful
What is echolocation?
Describe a LION using 6 words
What is an ocean?
An Ocean is a large body of salt water.
What is your favorite food? Why?
What is your favorite sport? Why?
What do joints help us do?
bend and move our bodies
Name three ways to take care of your teeth
What has four legs, a back bone and scales?
How many digits do you have?
20 (you should have 20)
What is a reptile?
What is a colony? / What are colonies?
What is Echolocation?
What is an exoskeleton?
What is one helpful bug? What is one harmful bug?
What is a mammal?
Why do people have pockets?
What tools have you used today (at least 2)
Give me three examples of tools
Deciduous forests have trees that ___ their leaves in the autumn
What is a forest?
A large piece of land covered by trees and bushes
What are the 5 Oceans on Earth?
Arctic, Southern, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian
How are Oceans and Seas similar?
How are Oceans and Seas different?
what are these?
These are scales
A small river or stream is called a
A Creek
What is this? Can you spell it?
bug spray
A forest that loses its leaves in the call is called a
Deciduous Forest
A forest that keeps its leaves all year round is called a(n)
Coniferous or Evergreen Forest