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gg3 unit 5
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I took ... in a running competition.
I have to study, I'm ... an exam tomorrow.
Sportsmen should do a warm up ... the competition.
Sportsmen should ... before the competition.
do a warm up
When we exercise, the heart ..... faster.
When people .............., their bones become weaker...
get older
People who exercise don't often get ...
People do exercises to get ....
When people get older, their bones .......
become weaker
Why is exercising good for our muscles?
When we exercise, our muscles become stronger.
Why is exercising good for our heart?
When we exercise, the heart beats faster and becomes stronger.
Why is exercising good for our brain?
When we exercise, the heart sends more blood to our brain and we feel more relaxed and learn more quickly.
Why is exercising good got our bones?
When we exercise, we make your bones stronger.
Why do you need blood?
We need blood to provide the body with oxygen.
Помажь мазью
Put some cream on it.
Да, это хорошая идея.
Yes, that's a good idea.
живот, желудок
Почему бы тебе не попить мятного чая?
Why don't you drink some mint tea?
Я не очень хорошо себя чувствую.
I don't feel very well.
Что не так?
What's wrong?
наклей пластырь
Put a plaster on it.
да, ты прав
Yes, you are right.
у меня болит голова
I've got a headache.
What's the matter?
В чем дело?
приложи лёд
Put some ice on it.
Я думаю, тебе следует сходить к врачу.
I think you should see the doctor
Почему бы тебе не принять обезболивающее?
Why don't you take a painkiller?
Почему бы тебе не прилечь?
Why don't you lie down?
mosquito net
москитная сетка
a mosquito bite
укус комара
a bad cut
глубокий порез
a bad burn
сильный ожог
broken leg
сломанная нога, перелом ноги
you should
ты должен, тебе следует (это хорошая идея)
a nasty bruise
большой синяк
bite, bit, bitten
lie down
лечь, прилечь
call an ambulance
вызвать скорую помощь