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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are a few independent shops in the town. The town has ___. (several)
several independent shops
A: What did you buy online? -B: I ordered (some / any / no / a) books.
We ate (any / a lot of / many / much) pasta on our trip to Italy.
a lot of
(of / food / in / is / there / plenty) the fridge.
There is plenty of food in the fridge.
When I got to the station, there were (much / no / any / a) trains running.
A: Are you ready for the test? -B: Not really. I didn’t study (much / many / any / no).
My sister received ___ good news at her work yesterday.
There was (any / several / plenty of / much) food at the party.
plenty of
A: Hello, how can I help you? -B: Do you have (many / any / several / a) flour?
Unfortunately, not (much / several / no / many) students attended the welcome event.
I’m looking for s___ information about applying to university.
have / we / any / coffee / do / ?
Do we have any coffee?
Did you visit (much / many / a) castles on your trip to Wales?
A: What do you do to stay healthy? -B: I drink (no / some / a lot of) water.
a lot of
There are (several / any / no) good restaurants near our house, including a really nice Italian.
A: Let me know if you need anything. -B: Can I have (a / much / some) writing paper?
I didn’t get m___ sleep last night, so I feel tired today.
There is (no / any / a lot of) school today because it’s the weekend.
I’m hungry. Do we have (any / several / many) biscuits?
It is important to get (plenty of / any / much) exercise to stay healthy.
plenty of
I couldn’t get any milk (because / open / there / were / shops / no).
because there were no shops open.
There are (plenty of / any) leisure facilities in the town, including a sports centre, a cinema and a shopping centre.
plenty of
I’m not vegetarian, but I don’t eat (many / much) meat.
A: What would you like to drink? -B: Do you have (any / many) orange juice?
I didn’t meet (much / a lot of) people when I first moved here.
a lot of
I / some / visited / museums
I visited some museums
There are (no / some) supermarkets in the village, but there is a small shop.
There are (any / several) places to eat at the gallery, including a café and a restaurant.
I need a cup of coffee. Do we have (any / a) milk?
I cooked (some / any) vegetables to eat with the chicken.