Edit Game
Context Clues

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does the word "elaborate" mean in this sentence? The teacher told the student that he needed to elaborate on his ideas because his paper was only 2 sentences long.
Elaborate (verb) : to add more details
What does the word "elaborate" mean in this sentence? The wedding cake had an elaborate design, and the baker had worked on it for hours.
Elaborate (adjective): carefully arranged, detailed, complicated
What does the word "persuade" mean in this sentence? The students persuaded their teacher to accept their late assignment.
What does the word "alter" mean in this sentence? He needed to alter his pants because they were too long.
What does the word "generate" mean in this sentence? Generate a list of your favorite restaurants.
produce, make, create
What does the word "precede" mean in this sentence? The lightening preceded the loud thunder.
come first, go before.
What does the word "exhibit" mean in this sentence? The students exhibited great excitement when they realized how many days until summer break.
exhibit (verb): showed, demonstrated, displayed
What does the word "exhibit" mean in this sentence? She was excited to see the new exhibit at the museum.
exhibit (noun): an object or collection of objects on public display in a gallery or museum
What does the word "obstacle" mean in this sentence? He could not avoid the obstacle in the road and had to call for help.
Something in the way, block, barrier
What does the word "incentive" mean in this sentence? My sister offered me ice cream as an incentive for cleaning her room.
Something that motivates you to do something; a motivator
What does the word "unanimous" mean in this sentence? The response was unanimous – the students wanted pizza in class.
complete agreement by all
What does the word "sufficient" mean in this sentence? I got a sufficient amount of sleep last night.
Enough, adequate, satisfactory
What does the word "seldom" mean in this sentence? Ms. Elliott frequently falls asleep during movies, so she seldom goes to the movie theater.
Rarely happens
What does the word "frequently" mean in this sentence? Ms. Elliott frequently falls asleep during movies, so she seldom goes to the movie theater.
often, regularly
What does the word "concise" mean in this sentence? The teacher told the class to provide a concise summary of the book.
short, brief
What does the word "illegible" mean in this sentence? The student's handwriting was illegible, and the teacher had trouble reading it.
Not clear enough to be read; scribbled
What does the word "lethargic" mean in this sentence? He was lethargic after Spring Break and didn't have the energy to get out of bed.
tired, sluggish, lazy
What does the word "flabbergasted" mean in this sentence? The teacher was flabbergasted by her students' knowledge. She didn't know that they knew a lot about the world around them!
Amazed, surprised, shocked
What does the word "relevant" mean in this sentence? Your teacher loves when your comments and questions are relevant to the lesson.
fits with the subject or idea, appropriate, applicable