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Confusing verbs

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I will _____ a nap if I'm tired.(do/ take)
They ________ as though they had seen a ghost. (look/ look like)
We ________ that the guest house would have much better rooms. (hope/ expect)
Tell the different between bring and take
Bring: the movement toward sb or sth Take: the movement away sb or sth
If you go for a walk by the river, you can ________ the beautiful scenery.
look at
‘stay in the same place or not do something until something else happens’. What verb is it?
We should go over our math notes before the test. Can we ______ up next Wednesday to study?
I _______ all my money on the stock market. (miss/ lose)
They asked if I was looking for work and I _______ yes. (say/ tell)
Tell the difference between look and look like
Look: turn our eyes in a particular direction to see something Look like: similar to sb or sth
My bank account _______ 2% interest per month. (win/ earn)
We look at something for a period of time, especially something that is changing or moving. what verb is it?
If you go shopping, remember to ___ your credit card with you.
Please keep _____________ the best solution for this problem, don’t annoy me anymore! (find/ look for)
looking for
"Give something to someone for a short time, expecting that you will get it back". What verb is it?
Why did you take those suits ? They are not designed for __________ in hot climates. (wear/ carry)