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sit, seat, lie, rise, raise

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Complete the sentence!!                                                                                      I have never _______________ to my parents about my grades.
Complete the sentence!!                                                                                     When the teacher asked the students a difficult question, no hand was _______________.
Complete the sentence!!                                                                                     I have never _______________ on such a comfortable chair before.
Complete the sentence!!                                                                                     The lecturer is coming, so please _______________ yourselves.
Complete the sentence!!                                                                                     Have you _______________ a new carpet in the living room?
Complete the sentence!!                                                                                     The vegetable prices have _______________ sharply since August.
Complete the sentence!!                                                                                     Clara was tired and _______________ on the floor to take a nap.
pronounce of lay and say the meaning and the past tense and past participle of lay.
놓다 laid - laid
Say the past tense and past participle of seat
seated - seated
Look at the picture . Say the past tense and past participle of lie
lied - lied
pronounce of raise and tell the meaning and the past tense and past participle of raise
들어올리다. raised - raised
Say the past tense and past participle of rise
rose - risen
Say the past tense and past participle of sit