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L7-Simple, Continuous or Perfect

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Arrange the words: you / were / met / doing / you / you / her / when / what / do / remember / ?
Do you remember what you were doing when you met her?
I (just / still / already / since) haven’t finished my project work. It’s due in tomorrow!
They ___ (hope) to visit us but unfortunately their train got cancelled.
were hoping
I took my car in to be repaired last week and I can’t believe it. The mechanics still (didn't fix / don't fix / haven't fixed / hadn't fixed) it.
haven't fixed
I was a bit surprised about the contents of the course. I ___ (read) the course description before I chose to take it.
hadn't read
What are you doing for your summer holiday? (Had you booked / Did you book / Do you book / Have you booked) anything yet?
Have you booked
He (was playing / 'd played / plays / played) on his computer and I was chatting to my friend.
was playing
We ___ seen the cat for over a week when suddenly, he turned up at our front door.
Where did you go for your last holiday? -I (went / had gone / 've been / was going) to Nepal for a month.
I’m sorry, Sandra isn’t here anymore. She ('s just leaving / 's just left / 'd just left / was just leaving).
's just left
Order the words to make a question: Sophie / ever / lived / abroad / has / ?
Has Sophie ever lived abroad?
Clive (was expecting / 's expected / 's expecting) his team to win the competition again, but now the season has finished, he’s very disappointed that they didn’t.
was expecting
Last week, I saw a really familiar film in English. About halfway through, I realised that I ('ve already seen / already saw / 'd alredy seen) it before in my country.
'd already seen
What’s happened to Isabela’s leg? (She’s broken it last week. / She broke it last week. / She was breaking it last week.)
She broke it last week.
Katie (always lost / 's always lost / 's always losing) her keys – it’s so annoying!
's always losing
It was the morning of the deadline and, unfortunately, David still ___ finished his essay.
On holiday last year, Banu (goes / had gone / went) swimming almost every day.
By the time Sara got to the meeting place, her friends (had already left / have already left / already left).
had already left
Is Nick the newest member of the team? (Yes, he only works here for two months. / Yes, he’s only working here for two months. / Yes, he’s only worked here for two months.)
Yes, he’s only worked here for two months.
Natasha ('s living / lives) here just for a short time until her place is ready.
's living
Have you ever ___ (ride) a horse before?
I was opening the car door when the alarm (went / was going) off.
What happened to your leg? (I fell off my bike and broke it. / I was falling off my bike and broke it.)
I fell off my bike and broke it.
By the time they arrived, the band (was starting / had started) performing.
had started
We ('re planning / planned) to move house later this year.
're planning
I (was listening / listened) to music in my room when my phone rang.
was listening
Where were you last night? (I’d hung out with my friends. / I was hanging out with my friends.)
I was hanging out with my friends.
I (was visiting / visited) Mexico three times last year.
They’ve (ever / never) eaten curry before.
We need to get going. The train ('s leaving / 's left) in 15 minutes.
's leaving