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Physical properties
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................ and ................ sink in water
metallic coin, iron nail
Wood float in water because ....................................................
its density is less than water
T or F: The density of 3 kg of iron is greater than the density of 3 gm of iron.
False, they have the same density
Matter can be distinguished by its ....................and .................properties
physical and chemical.
................., .................. are physical properties.
density, electric conduction, thermal conduction, melting point
The measuring units of volume is .................
L, M3, Cm3
The measuring units of mass is...................
Kg, Gm
What are the 3 states of matter
Solid, liquid, gas
Anything surround us that has mass and volume.
Density = .............../.....................
Mass/ Volume
We can differentiate between salt and sugar by ..................
T or F: The density of 5 gm of iron is the same density of 5 gm of gold .
.................. is the amount of matter in an object.