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Phrasal Verbs (Multi-word Verbs)
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I know how clever he is and stop _______ _______ ______ it. I'm so sick of it.
going on about
After her debut, her singing career _______ _______ and she achieved an international success.
took off
________ _________ new things could be fun! Come one. Why don't you?
Trying out
I still can't ________ _______ the answer to this question. That's quite tough.
figure out
I _______ ________ flirting with girls and that's fun! So, I never get serious about relationships.
'm into/ am into
I already knew what had happened to you. Don't try to ______ _______ a story and no more drama, please.
make up
Do you really _______ ______ ghosts?
believe in
I'm really weak in writing and I find it difficult to ______ ____ ______ my own ideas to write any topics.
come up with
Never _______ ______ leftovers such as rice, curry. You can feed these to street dogs.
throw away
You look tired today. Did you ________ ________ late last night?
stay up
I always try to the best of my ability in anything not to _________ my parents ________.
let, down
Let's go shopping today. We've ________ _______ ______ food at home.
run out of
The detective ______ _______ the cause of a woman's death and found out that the man killed his wife.
looked into
He left home after ______ _______ with his parents.
falling out