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All about me! 2023

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What should I do if I lose my weekly warm up sheet?
Tell the teacher, get another, make up the work or get a lower grade.
True or False: I can take a snack from the bin whenever I want.
False. Although, yes in homeroom.
True or False: Ms. Parsons is a gamer.
Who is the youngest Core teacher on Green Team?
What happens if I lose my pass?
I get another one and it is written down on the ladder of consequences.
What happens if my phone goes off?
It is taken and it is written down on the ladder of consequence sheet. The phone will be given back at the end of the day.
True or False: It is ok to eat in class.
Depends on the class period.
True or False: Ms. Parsons went to Canada this summer.
What happens to the warm up sheets at the end of the week?
They get turned in and graded.
True or False: I have to write in my planner every day, no matter what.
TRUE! There is a reward with this!
What are the three supplies I should have every day in Science?
Planner, Pencil and Folder
When I come into the class what should I do? Must name one of the possible answers.
Have a quiet seat, READ the board, write down the homework in my planner
True or False: Ms. Parsons once took a group of students to Germany and Switzerland.
True or False: Ms. Parsons has two daughters.
True (Lauren and Lilly)
Ms. Parsons has four pets in her house, what kind do you think she has?
3 cats, 1 guinea pig
There are three things I should do when I need to go to the bathroom, what are they?
1. Ask an adult in the room 2. Sign my pass 3. Sign out by the door
True or False: I don't need to raise my hand to get a pencil or sharpen my pencil.