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Fun Facts Around the World

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Hurricanes Hit China More Than Any Other Nation
True! China has been hit by more than 172 hurricanes on its mainland since 1970.
The hottest temperature was recorded in the Sahara Desert.
False! In 1913, the World Meteorological Organisation recorded a ground temperature of 56.7°C in California's Death Valley.
Greece Has More Than 200 Islands
True! The number of islands in the country is between 1,200 and 6,000
There Are 7,000+ Islands in the Philippines
True! The Archipelago of the Philippines is made up of 7,641 islands.
California has more people than all of Canada.
True! Canada: 35.85 million. California: 39.14 million. (According to data from 2015.)
The Easter Island heads don't have bodies.
False! In the 2010s, archaeologists found that two of the Pacific Island figures actually have torsos
McDonald’s serves spaghetti in the Philippines.
True! The meat sauce pasta comes with a side of “McDo” fried chicken.
Scotland chose the unicorn as its national animal.
True! In Celtic mythology, the fictional creature is connected with both chivalry and dominance as well as purity and innocence.
The capital of Australia is Canberra
True! Even though a lot of people think it's Sydney.
Fortune cookies are a Chinese tradition
False! Fortune cookies were originally the invention of Japanese-Americans before being widely adopted by Chinese culture.
Wales has a town with 57 letters in its name
True! It's "Llanfairpwll-gwyngyllgogerychwyrndrob-wllllantysiliogogogoch”.
Iceland doesn’t have mosquitos
True!Although there are more than 3,000 types of mosquitoes in the world, Iceland doesn’t have any at all
There are no ATMs in Antarctica
False! There are only two.
There are more kangaroos than people in Australia
True! In fact, it is so true that there are almost double the amount of Kangaroos than humans in Australia!
Thailand has a festival to appreciate their monkeys
True! Every last Sunday of November, this festival in Lopburi celebrates the Monkeys in a Monkey Buffet Festival.
The Great Wall of China can be seen from space
False! “after numerous missions to space, by astronauts from countries all over the world, nobody could see the wall.”
Toronto is the capital city of Canada
False !Neither Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver or Quebec is the capital, it is actually Ottawa.
Coca Cola doesn't exist in every country in the world
True! It doesn't exist in North Korea since 1950 and Cuba since 1962.
It snows in the Sahara Desert
True!It happened in 2018 and the Sahara Desert was covered in a blanket of white snow. However, the snow only lasted for a day before melting under the hot sun.