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They also promote senior volunteerism to encourage elders to become volunteers, to be continuously involved in social affairs and to serve other elders in need __________ promote the sense of worthiness.
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You can help by donating or volunteering, __________ these women and their newborns don’t get lost in the system, end up undocumented, and live in poverty in Hong Kong.
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Employees are the ones who will be doing the volunteering, _____ it makes sense to involve them in the decision-making process.
Many organisations use volunteer management software to engage, onboard, train and reward their virtual volunteers, ________ you will always be treated like a valued member of the team.
We are recruiting women who are interested in understanding and practicing waste reduction and recycling to become volunteers to promote clean recycling, ________ green living takes root in the community.
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AVS drew up the Hong Kong Volunteer Charter __________ foster the quality practice of volunteering.
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Branches of Hope is always looking for big-hearted, willing people to collaborate with us __________ we can serve our communities even better.
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Hong Kong Dog Rescue is also looking for volunteers interested in professional photography, graphic design, event planning, and fundraising, _____ get in touch if you fit the bill!
The Hang Lung As One Volunteer Team helped them clean their homes and repair the ceilings ____________ they can live in a clean and hygienic environment.
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Try to describe your clients ____________ prospective volunteers can decide if they will feel comfortable working with your population.
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Instead of showing them pity, help them find strength __________ they can build their resilience.
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SWD also organises the “Best Corporate Volunteer Service Project Competition” regularly, ___________ encourage corporate sector to actualise corporate social responsibilities through volunteering.
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Student volunteers are taught to identify underlying social problems, ____________ effectively provide support in their specific service.
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Volunteers need to work well with others __________ be effective and efficient as a team.
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Volunteering can provide a healthy boost to your self-confidence, self-esteem, and life satisfaction _______ you will develop a natural sense of pride and accomplishment.
A key risk factor for depression is social isolation __________ volunteering can be a great for reducing the chances of suffering from depression.