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B1 / Exam error correction (may)

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He hooked on tennis. (correct the mistake)
He is / was hooked on tennis.
He is far oldest. (correct the mistake)
He is far older. OR He is by far the oldest.
Fruits benefit from our skin and mood. (rephrase the sentence so it would be correct)
We benefit from eating fruits.
Many people from my extended family tell me that I take ____ my dad in appearance a lot.
I haven't any food at home. (correct the mistake)
I don't have any food at home.
I so regret setting up an Instagram profile. (correct the mistake)
I regret setting up an Instagram profile so much.
How do you pronounce "well-written"?
вел врітн
вел врайтен
Miranda is keep on baking. (correct the mistake)
Miranda is keen on baking.
Danny twisted his ankle and hurt his arm a 2 years ago. (correct the mistake)
Danny twisted his ankle and hurt his arm 2 years ago.
It happened on a bus stop when I waited. (correct the mistake)
It happened on a bus stop when I was waiting.
I spend time __ the Internet.
Have you any benefit from this friendship? (correct the mistake)
Did / Do you benefit from this friendship?    OR   Does this friendship have any benefits?
In childhood, I ____have a cat named Fluffy.
used to
If only I ______ this before I told you my secret.
had known
would know