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5th science week 2

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Create a key for 3 substances: tomato, salt, sugar.
Teacher will check.
Draw a model of a mixture showing its molecules, make sure to include 2 different substances.
Teacher will check.
Create a sentence using the words "evidence and explain." It has to make sense!
Teacher will check
What is 1 example of a model that you may know?
Model airplane, model car, model globe, model of molecules
Create a sentence using the words "Atoms" and mixture. It has to make sense!
Teacher will check.
What would be 3 substances found in a stew?
meat, honey, lentils, olive oil, water, salt, etc
What is a substance of blood or part of blood?
Plasma, iron, water, oxygen.
How can you separate salt from salt-water?
Through a filter to catch the salt molecules.
true or false, is salt attracted to ocean water?
What are 3 man-made mixtures?
anything not natural.
What is an example of a natural mixture?
rocks, soil, bricks.
True or false, are all these things mixtures? Blood, milk, apple juice, and gold.
What is 2 properties of honey?
sticky, thick, golden color, slow, sweet
Based on the book, "Break it Down", what is 1 of 3 ways you can separate a mixture?
chromatography, a filter, centrifuge (spinning)
What is 2 mixtures from the book "Break it down" that we read in class?
milk, apple juice, rock, salt water, blood, smog, soil, stew, paint
What are 2 properties of coca cola?
dark colored, bubbly, liquidy, fizzy, sweet.