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UI2 Lesson 9 - modal verbs for speculation

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She can't .... ..... the sign. I imagine she didn't see it because there was no other causes I can think of.
have seen
Police believe that high speed may .... .... a part in the crash.
have played
He might ..... The police should ......
be in danger / investigate (other possibilities)
Or he might .... .... too embarassed to phone because he thinks he's in trouble.
He might .... .... to a friend's house and he's too angry to get in touch.
have gone
His parents must .... really worried, but they should've said something earlier.
It can't .... ..... the first time it has happened or they would have repported him sooner.
have been
They ... .... living in England right now.
must be / might be / could be / may be
The authorities ...... ..... misunderstood the situation.
must have / might have / could have
The handball players ..... lied about their intentions.
must have / can't have
It can't .... ...... the first time he tried something crazy like that.
have been
The waiter .... .... an excentric individual.
must be
He ..... have decided to draw the gun to give her a shock.
The barman ..... ..... recognised this from her speech.
must have
The woman must ...... ....... hiccups.
must have
They must .... a very serious argument for him to run away like that.
have had