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Relative pronouns - which

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: his name is Conan.
False. His name is Shinichi Kudo.
True or false: her name is Lisa Simpson.
This is the dress. I bought it yesterday.
This is the dress which I bought yesterday.
The dog is a Dalmation. They recently adopted it.
The dog, which they recently adopted, is a Dalmatian.
The laptop stopped working suddenly. I bought it last week.
The laptop, which I bought last week, stopped working suddenly.
The book is a bestseller. It is on the table.
The book which is on the table is a bestseller.
The laptop costs $1,000. It has 16 gigabytes.
The laptop, which has 16 gigabytes, costs $1,000.
The car can go really fast. It is on sale.
The car, which is on sale, can go really fast.
My wallpaper is starting to peel at the corners. It is blue.
My wallpaper, which is blue, is starting to peel at the corners.
I did well in chemistry. It was always my favorite subject.
I did well in chemistry, which was always my favorite subject.
My previous house in Detroit was quite small.
My previous house, which was quite small, was in Detroit.
She can't come to my birthday party. Makes me sad.
She can’t come to my birthday party, which makes me sad.
The puppy jumping in the kitchen, I love it.
I love the puppy which is jumping in the kitchen.
The letter came today. Did you see it?
Did you see the letter which came today?