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The Paleolithic Age

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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With the discovery of fire, the Paleolithic people could_____________.
Cook food, keep warm, have light when it is dark, scare away wild animals
Life became easier for the Paleolithic people with the discovery of ____________.
The Paleolithic people lived in simple shelters such as ___________________.
Caves and huts
The Paleolithic people began with stone tools and advanced to __________________________________.
Bows and arrows, harpoons and fishhooks.
Women went out to the fields to pick ____________________________.
Berries, nuts, grains
Men hunted for __________________.
Buffalo, bison, wild goats, and reindeer.
The word "Paleolithic" means _____________________.
Old Stone
People who travel around in groups looking for food.